Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! Last day of FREE, plus 2 new books!

Hi everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for my wonderful family AND for all of you that have downloaded the book!  Remember,  Today is the last day to get the book for FREE!  Tell all your friends and family today at dinner! ;)  If you've already downloaded the book I would be SO thankful if you would leave a review or Like the page on Amazon!

On a side note, I've been thinking about 2 more ebook ideas, hopefully to both be finished within the next few weeks.  One, which I'll work on first is a "12 Dates of Christmas" idea.  Do you like it? I just believe our relationships are so important and marriage is hard work sometimes.  During the busy holiday times we could all use a great reminder to stop and appreciate our significant others.  Leave me a comment if you have any ideas or things you'd like to see (or heck, even if you have a better idea!)

Next, I'll be working on an Ebay selling tips book.  I mentioned this in How To Have A Fabulous Christmas On A Not So Fabulous BudgetIt is certainly one of the best ways to make money for Christmas gifts, but also to save money on Christmas gifts too!  Is this something you'd like to learn more about in detail? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Thanksgiving,


  1. Hi Katie,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Thank you for your wonderful book - I enjoyed reading it and all the great tips you shared in your book! I just wanted to say hello and encourage you in your writing. Looking forward to future books from you! Like you, I love writing and saving money. I am very interested in writing some e -books, writing articles, sharing with others, making new friends, and earning (hopefully) a little cash. Husband and I are on a very limited budget. is my favorite place online - love books! Need to start earning some amazon gift certificates to support my habit soon. Any encouragement or advice on writing e -books? How did you learn how to write one? Id love to hear! Hope to hear from you sometime! Feel free to email me at :

    Thanks and keep writing!

    ps. I wrote you a review on amazon.

    Maria In Mass :)

  2. Hi Maria! Thank you so much for the lovely comments and the review! Which tip in the book has been your favorite so far? I love to hear from readers.

    My best suggestion with writing Kindle books is to keep a running list of ideas going at all times. When you have some time to sit down and write, go first for the outline. Which will end up being the table of contents. Then fill in the blanks from there. I like to block out an entire afternoon, grab some coffee, and WRITE until I feel so pooped I can barely stand up! I try to get a pretty ugly first draft on paper all in one sitting so I have no excuses. ;)

    Thanks again! And Good luck with everything! God Bless!
